Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Diabetes in Little Old Ecuadorian Ladies

Hey team.

I am tired today. Today we did blood pressure and glucose screening at the Diabetic conference in Puyo. We did a lot but were not super busy all the time, it came in spurts. I had some issues with Spanish today. It is a lot of active listening. You know you are fluent when you can eavesdrop. For me to eavesdrop takes so much brainpower it is not even worth it. And eavesdrop. what a strange word, so glad I don't have to learn English.

The best part of the day was watching a theatrical production put on by the ladies in the diabetes program here. They keep track of their numbers and have exercise class. They were the cutest little things you have ever seen! They were cracking on how tough the doctors were and how they couldn't eat anything. I mean poor things every meal here is white rice with a side of potatoes or starchy yucca with a piece of meat and then a fried starchy banana/plantain for dessert! Oh and juice with sugar added.

The diabetic talks are particularly rough in the clinics. They do not leave happy. Anyway them dancing their little dances made me happy!

Tomorrow I catch bugs that carry Chagas! I am so pumped. No really how could I be such a nerd. Gotta DEET it up.

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