Thursday, April 21, 2011

This is why you had to sit in the hall in Elementary school

First of all, this past weekend I survived the tornadoes of Eastern NC but it was far scarier than all the tornado drills of elementary school made it out to be. I mean it was the mountains, I didn't realize it was a real risk.
So, I went to the Roller Derby in Raleigh at Dorton Arena. Which is awesome in the first place. But then! They came over the PA and said "Usually we start the derby with this air raid sound but we aren't going to use it this time. If you hear it please exit and go underneath the stadium" I thought there was no way this would happen. But 4 jams into the derby the air raid horn goes off and everyone kind of scrambles down into the tunnels below Dorton Arena. We are just hanging out. I am excited because the Rollergirls are rolling around like "among the people" which I think is awesome. But then they come through and say "When we say GET DOWN, face the wall and cover your head with your hands." Again I didn't think it would actually happen but then we heard it echo down the tunnel to "Get Down!" Babies start crying, someone seems like they might have a panic attack. And then this gush of water comes through the ceiling like feet from us. We scramble up the slope of the tunnels. Eventually everyone starts to relax because you can only sit in such an uncomfortable position and be in fear for your life for so long...maybe 5 minutes tops.
Eventually we get to go back up and watch the best roller derby I have ever seen! Carolina Rollergirls win!

Studying over Easter break..mostly looking at weird skin pictures because I have dermatology right now. Wish me luck!

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