Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A week in the mountains

I was home this week in Waynesville shadowing at a family practice. Lessons from the week are these:
1) I have learned something in the last 2 years. BUT I have much more to learn. Especially that no one uses the generic names of drugs. And that drugs are VERY important to the arsenal of what doctors can do.

2) Saw some cool physical findings, which is exciting to me because most of the time we only see "normal" so, finding something good means it is worth it to try and examine every patient. Tough things were heart murmurs and some lung rales. However I got a good look at interesting eardrums-scarred, full of nasty pus etc. Also saw a couple cool procedures chopping off skin cancers and lancing a cyst.

3) Loved the variety of people we got to see. People with lots of education, people with only a little education, poor people, wealthy people. People I knew, people I didn't know. It was great to wade into every room and expect something different but also to get to talk to very different people.

4) Got to toughen up for a final push of studying for my Boards during the summer (June 15th)

Picture from Ecuador mountains looking over the jungle but enjoyed the mountains of WNC this week!

1 comment:

  1. Are you getting my comments? I posted I wished I had gotten to see you while you were in, and that I enjoy reading your blog, except for the ear pus remark. I'll be at Topsail Island in May, the 21st thru the 28th. You should come up and go to dinner with us sometime. Let me know.
